
  • A strategic plan sets the focus of a school district and provides for systematic implementation of the goals set forth in the plan. The developed 2022-2027 plan identifies four major goal areas with commitments, strategies, and action steps, providing a framework for the District over the upcoming years that will maximize student achievement district-wide.

    Coolidge Unified School District's (CUSD) vision is inspired by a mission and is shaped by our core values. This plan reflects the dedication and determination of our teachers, support staff, administrators, parents, and community to work together to prepare our students for the future.

    As CUSD continues to work towards the achievement of the goals related to the action plan, key strategies will be reviewed annually by the CUSD Development Committee. Modifications can/will be made in response to current trends, availability of resources, and changing the district belief as defined by the CUSD Governing Board.

Development Committee

  • Superintendent Dawn Dee Hodge

    Business Services Director Alyssa Garrett

    Curriculum & Instruction Director Melani Edwards

    Federal Grants & Programs Director Jessica Miller

    Food & Nutrition Director  Wesley Delbridge

    Human Resource Director Ben Armstrong

    Plant Operations Director Dan McWilliams

    Special Services Director Aaron Porianda

    CHS Principal Natay Ferguson

    CAP/CVA Principal Marc Bruno

    Heartland Principal Rosanne Headley

    West Principal Kelly Ferguson

Core Values

  • Commitment to Excellence

    We are committed to providing a premier learning environment for all.

    Credibility & Accountability

    Maintain credibility by conducting ourselves with integrity and demonstrating accountability for student learning, ethical conduct, and adherence to mandates, policies, and procedures.

    Community of Relationships

    Value creating and maintaining meaningful relationships among students, families, teachers, staff, and community partners.

CUSD Governing Board

  • As representatives for the District community, we believe:

    • Students are the number one priority.
    • The Board conveys the educational needs and desires of the community to the District and establishes policies accordingly.
    • The Board maintains high expectations for the District and themselves in working toward excellence.

     President Michael Flores, II     Vice President Linda Heath     Member Kris Gillespie     Member Diana Guerrero     Member George Arredondo