• Food & Nutrition logo

Free Breakfast & Lunch for all Students!

  • The Coolidge Schools Food & Nutrition Department participates in the Community Eligible Provision (CEP). This allows us to serve free meals to all CUSD students that attend our campuses every school day.

    Students enjoy the convenience of healthy and tasty meals served fresh to them without having to worry about bringing money or how much money is on their account. They spend less time waiting in line and more time eating.

     Parents, you do not have to worry about the time and money it takes to plan and pack a lunch every day anymore. You can have confidence that your children are being served healthy, high-quality food for breakfast and lunch without having to complete any paperwork.

    You can be sure that all CUSD students will be happy, healthy, and come to class well-nourished and ready to learn.

    CEP Outreach Letter - NSLP - 2024-25


Contact Us

  • 600 W. Northern Ave., Coolidge, AZ 85128 — (520) 723-2072