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CUSD Wellness Policy

  • The Coolidge Unified School District's Student Wellness Policy focuses on improving the total mind and body health of CUSD students, staff, and community. The goal is to create a school environment that includes healthy food choices and encourages physical activity and other wellness activities.

    Our Student Wellness Policy was developed by the District Wellness Committee, represented by both school district employees and members of the community, and put in place during the 2018 school year. We consistently update the district Student Wellness Policy to continue to improve and promote overall district and community health. Review the policy below, where you can also find our Local Wellness Policy goals and guidelines.

    Local Wellness Policy Assessment available upon request, please contact either Director - wesley.delbridge@coolidgeschools.org or, Admin Assistant Alex Jones - alejandra.jones@coolidgeschools.org.

Student & Local Wellness Policy

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.


    We also provide menu substitutions and accommodations for students that have special diets or food allergies. If your child has a special diet or food allergy and chooses to eat with us, please complete the Special Dietary Needs Form below. We will work with you, your child and your medical team to create customized menus to meet your child's needs. Please return the completed form to Wesley Delbridge, Registered Dietitian and Food & Nutrition Director at: wesley.delbridge@coolidgeschools.org.



Contact Us

  • 600 W. Northern Ave., Coolidge, AZ 85128 — (520) 723-2072