- Coolidge Unified School District No. 21
- Instruction
Curriculum & Instruction
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Beyond Textbooks
A team of CUSD teachers and administrators researched curriculum frameworks in order to dramatically and swiftly increase student achievement. Beyond Textbooks (BT), a framework developed by an Arizona school district (Vail), consistently led the other structures studied. It is currently being used by over 140 districts across the state of Arizona and if followed properly should increase student achievement.
The BT curricular framework is completely aligned to the Arizona State Standards and those standards are presented at the required grade level. It creates consistency across grade levels and schools to ensure all Coolidge students have opportunities to master the skills required.
It is rigorous. The level of difficulty may be uncomfortable for a short time as we implement this necessary focus on mastery of the standards rather than a list of assignments completed. We are confident students, parents, teachers, and community members will be pleased with the students’ academic accomplishments and proud of the Coolidge Unified School District.
What is reteach?
Reteach is not a punishment nor does it mean a student is failing a class or subject. Reteach means your child scored less than 80% on a weekly assessment and needs additional time to master the standard(s). Scoring below 80% means your child’s work is not yet meeting the grade-level standards. Reteach is the opportunity for academic intervention for those students who are struggling to master the targeted standard(s). it also allows a student to experience a different approach to mastering a skill. It is designed to provide opportunities for student success.
What is enrichment?
When a student demonstrates mastery, having correctly answered 80% of the questions, they are placed into an enrichment group. This group meets to further develop their skills. Teachers expand on standards for students who have demonstrated mastery. The lessons reflect higher-order thinking, application, connection, and extension of the targeted standard(s).
Some students may be more successful with specific skills than others and that allows them the opportunity to move between reteach and enrichment weekly.
How does it affect my child’s grades?
BT is closely aligned to student mastery of standards and performance. You may see a difference in your child’s grades as they reach for higher expectations. Your child’s progress on specific standards is being monitored closely. The goal is for students to demonstrate mastery of each standard adopted by the state rather than receiving a letter grade.
How can I help?
Keep in touch with your child's teacher. Stay involved.
- Visit our Coolidge Schools website and find the BT Parent Portal tab to give you specific information on the standards and skills being taught.
- Attend Parent-Teacher Meetings at the elementary levels and Parent-Teacher Conferences at the secondary levels.
- Monitor your child's progress through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
- Visit our Coolidge Schools website and find the BT Parent Portal tab to give you specific information on the standards and skills being taught.
What if I have more questions?
If you have more questions, contact your child's teacher or an administrator.
CUSD is committed to supporting and assisting each child to achieve at a high level because we believe our kids deserve the best and we appreciate your continued support.
CUSD implemented the TAP System for Teacher and Student Advancement due to its comprehensive approach when establishing sustained structures for building educator excellence and increasing student achievement growth. Since 1999, TAP Systems have led to some dramatically improved outcomes for students and changing the trajectory of entire schools. Over 95 percent of participating TAP schools are high-need and serve diverse areas. Through the implementation of four interrelated key elements, teachers are improving their instruction and the achievement of their students.
The four elements are:
- Multiple Career Paths
- Ongoing Applied Professional Growth
- Instructionally Focused Accountability
- Performance-Based Compensation
ENVoY was created by Michael Grinder and brought to our district by A & J Educational Consulting.
CUSD implemented Michael Grinder’s Educational Non-Verbal Yardsticks (ENVoY) that includes his models of professional growth, data that shows an opportunity to increase instructional time by at least 20%, and a way to increase teachers' strategies for classroom management. CUSD has created a culture of influence via nonverbal communication where relationships between educators and students and among students are fostered.
By reducing time on management, there is the possibility to increase time for curriculum.
ENVoY increases educator’s repertoire of nonverbal strategies. Operating from influence as often as possible instead of power. Creating educational climates committed to ongoing professional development that reverses the trend of over-training and under-implementing.
Staff Directory
- Heartland Ranch Elementary
- West Elementary
- West Elemetary
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Christina Cooper
- Delicia Garcia
- Brenda Giesen
- Sonya Luksa